Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro


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"...Tonal Harmony at its Highest Level." A serious app for serious musicians (Tablets only. Large &a...

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"...Tonal Harmony at its Highest Level." A serious app for serious musicians (Tablets only. Large & X-Large Screens)All harmonic functions in all keys at your fingertips! Learn chord progressions, analysis, listen to real audio recordings analyzed in real time, create your own progressions and learn how harmonic functions relate to each other.Seven map levels, from basic diatonic to advanced secondary dominants and more. Classical and jazz voicings with tensions, bass movement detector, harmonic paths, voice leading algorithm, harmonic rhythm analysis, everything in one single app!!!
"...This app wins our strongest recommendation for an app so far." - Berklee Groove
" app that blew my mind." NoteTreble
"If only Brian Wilson had this music app when he ..." - FeedmyApp
"I've been looking for a harmony/chords/tonal app that is functional, deep enough, and with a great interface. Well, I'm not looking any further. This app just blew me away... " - KVR audio
" App I’d never teach high school (or college) music theory without.!" - techinmusiced
"Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro is very well done and comes with good piano sound quality. A Killer App!" - apps4idevices
"This is some high-level sh#t..."- Discchord
"It is a great tool, and one that I am sure will be pretty much essential to music students and enthusiasts alike" - The SmartphoneAppReview
"An innovation beneficial to students, teachers, and composers alike..." - NoBrainerAppReviews
"I can really see how this app would be helpful for anyone interested in music" - appPicker
"an incredible tool for songwriters, composers, students and teachers..." Harmony Central
"...Really cool! Certainly helpful in the study of harmony and harmonic ear training." - idesignsound

Features--------Mode Selector: Browse Mode - Tap the chords on the map, listen and view the respective function, most-often-used mode/scale.Play Mode - Select, load and listen to standard progressions & cadences while viewing them play in the mapRec Mode - Create your own progressions and save them for future study or reference.Audio Mode Demo - Load and listen to pieces in the public domain while viewing them in the map.Help Mode - An interactive help mode on how to use the app.
Map Levels:1) Basic Diatonic functions2) IIIm and Deceptive Cadences3) SubV7 and Neapolitan sixth (N6)4) Secondary Dominants5) Blues and other modes6) Advanced Secondary Dominants7) Complete Map with all functions
Chord Info Panel:Tap on the chords in the map and view info about their function, mode scale, etc.
Cadences and Alternative Cadences Paths:Activate the cadences paths to make most common paths between functions.
Enharmonics and Keyboard:Modulate to any key and view the progressions in the selected key or functionally. Select enharmonic spellings using sharps or flats. Transpose any progression to any key by tapping on the keyboard.
Staff Panel:View the current progression in the staff panel in standard chord notation instantaneously transposed to the selected key or functionally. In play mode you can tap on the chords in the staff to play it and find it on the map. In rec mode double tap to delete the chord or tap an empty spot to insert a chord by tapping them on the map.
Show paths icon.Make paths in the current progression visible to view the entire harmonic progression.